In March, there were international movements to dissuade anti-competitive behaviour in shipping, and we are also seeing some fee increases coming into April, with ANL & CMA increasing the Bunker Adjustment Factor surcharge.
Reminder: MYC now has offices in Sydney
A friendly reminder that we are now also located in Sydney, alongside our Perth office.
You can find us at La Porte Space 87 -103 Epsom Road, Rosebery, New South Wales. Follow the MYC instagram page for a look at the new offices, as well as regular updates from our team.
Ukraine conflict
MYC is profoundly saddened by the tragic conflict in the Ukraine and the appalling loss of life and property. We wish for a speedy end to the fighting.
What’s happening in shipping this month
1. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have released their Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2022/23. The Priorities particularly highlight “disruptions to global and domestic supply chains”, with a focus on how consumer and fair trading and competition are being managed globally.
In the release, ACCC Chair Rod Sims reinforces, “The importance of effective and competitive supply chains has been more evident than ever during the pandemic.” This comes in the wake of issues with staff shortages, port congestion and transport interruptions affecting Australian supply chains.
You can read the Compliance and Consumer Commission Priorities in more detail here.
2. In parallel with the above, the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) met with executives of the ACCC to discuss their collaborative alliance with various bodies across Canada, the US, New Zealand and the UK that seeks to prevent anti-competitive conduct in global supply and distribution of goods.
You can read more about the working group here.
3. ANL & CMA have announced that, effective as of 1 April 2022, the Bunker Adjustment Factor will increase in Australia.
4. A reminder that from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2022, many Chinese businesses will be closing to celebrate Ching Ming (Qingming) Festival. Shipping may see some delays as a result of this.
5. See key public holidays to be aware of in Australia this April below. These may have some effect on shipping times:
a. Easter Weekend – 17th, 18th & 19th of April
b. ANZAC day – 25th of April
If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your MYC liaison or call us on +61 8 9253 0121.